!!!!!! WINNER !!!!! YOU ARE INVITED !!!!!!!!!
what is shoot and show ?
Shoot & Show is a quarterly (very short) filmmaking club based in Bristol.
To combat the online landscape of carefully curated content and personal brands, Shoot & Show hopes to bring back the playful element of filming. The focus is on re-igniting the joy that comes with making silly and weird short videos either alone in your back garden or at a sleepover with friends, born from a place of pure creativity and childlike wonder.
Before each event, a new prompt or challenge will be announced (e.g. make a video with only close-up angles, film your walk home from work), and anyone who wants to take part has the entire month to create a video related to the month’s theme.
We then meet up to watch everyone's videos, have a good laugh and connect with new people!
i'm not a filmmaker, can i come ?
PLEASE! Shoot & Show is just about channelling creativity into short videos, whatever that might look like to you. Most importantly, this is all about creating a conducive environment to meet new people, share a good ol' laff and get in touch with your childlike sense of play and creativity!
tldr; don't worry, this isn’t the Grammy’s!
why 2.5 minutes ?
Because we all have stupid jobs / because we all have tiktok induced brainrot and paying attention is hard / because sometimes constraints force us to be more creative.
why is this a club ?
Because the actual clubs play shit music and charge £9 for a pint these days. And because filming doesn't have to lead to monetisation. And because everyone is secretly a bit lonely.
So why not?
do i need a professional camera ?
Definitely not! Graininess is all part of the allure these days babes. Pick up whatever recording equipment you have on hand and just… shoot! And then we will come together once at the end of each month to do the ‘showing’ side of things.

Pork and Beans
inspiration videos
free prize draw